



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



I should make it clear, you know, I don't believe this stuff
I find believing in these high-flown, complicated, synthetic systems to come off sort of like pathology
So, I entertain ideas
But I don't give the leaf over

What I do
I'm a meme spreader (meme spreader)
What, what I do
I'm a meme spreader (meme spreader)
What, what, what I do
I'm a meme spreader (meme spreader) (meme spreader) (meme spreader)
A meme replicator

Naturally, this question arose in our group
Why us? Why us?
Why are the aliens revealing the unified field theory of space and time to us?
And the mushroom just replied without hesitation
"Because you don't believe in anything"
And that apparently, is what's required (what's required) (what's required)
Do y'all know that Van Morrison song about no guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and me and nature in the garden? (In the garden?)
I think that's actually where it's at
The question, I guess, that keeps coming up to me was
What are we supposed to do?

Well, I keep saying
De-emphasize anxiety
Reassure people
You meet people who say, "You know, I'm really scared"
I'm - I'm scared about my job
I'm scared, scared, scared
Scared, scared, scared
You know

Don’t worry!
You don't know enough to worry
That's God's truth
Don't worry
Who do you think yo
Catalysts to say, what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance, and act
What has never before been done

To push the envelope of creativity and language
And what's really important is, I call it the felt presence of direct experience
Which is a fancy term which just simply means we have to stop consuming our culture
We have to stop consuming our culture
We have to create culture
Don't, don't, watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR
Create your own roadshow, the nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe
And if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else then you are disempowered
You're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking
That, that, that is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears
And we're told, "No." We're unimportant, we're peripheral. Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. And then you're a player
You don't want to even play in that game
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world
Where is that at?
Where is that at?
Where is that at?

Catalysts to say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculp, dance, and act what has never before been done
To say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculp, dance, and act what has never before been done

Reclaim your mind
Reclaim your mind
Reclaim your mind

Catalysts to say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done
To say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done

Reclaim your mind
Whoa, the idea, the big one is the stoned ape theory
Terence McKenna’s theory was the reason why the human brain size doubled over a period of 2 million years
And he equates it to the time where the climate changed
And rainforest receded into grasslands, and these monkeys climbed down from trees
They started experimenting with new food sources, and they would flip over cow patties to find like bugs and beetles and shit
When they saw mushrooms growing in the cow patties
Certain groups of these monkeys started eating these mushrooms
Two things happened
One, it increased their visual acuity and made them be able to see much better
And then the other thing that happened is it made them horny
So here you have these better hunters, they can see things better, they probably can throw things and they're more accurate, and then they're horny, so they're gonna fuck
And then of course, as they're eating plates of these fucking things
They're gonna have psychedelic experiences
And if you're a monkey maybe and if you have psychedelic experiences every day
It's like a forced-fed evolution thing
It's like a forced-fed evolution thing

Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Monkeys in space
Monkeys in space

If we figure out eventually we are all one thing
These spores are all like they can go in a vacuum in space
They can travel in extreme cold, extreme heat
They can absorb radiation and not get damaged
And they can travel from other planets
Like if a meteor hits, a chunk of this planet can get knocked off
It gets sent flying into space and it lands on another planet
And those spores get to give birth on this planet
And just communicate with all the animals that are here
When you have a DMT trip, it feels like communication with intent, but with no words
I understand exactly what you're saying, but I understand it more as like a wave
It's like a very clear and obvious wave of information
One of the times I had this DMT trip, the DMT things
They would say a bunch of the same things
Relax and don't give into astonishment, but they're not using words
That's the next shit, man

Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Monkeys in space
Monkeys in space
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Monkeys in space
Monkeys in space

They start to look at this, they're starting to back off, starting to look up at the sky
And they're starting to look to the left and look to the right and go
"Whoa, what the fuck is this? What is this thing we're doing here?"
'Cause this isn't just we're living life
In the beginning, Bob was a baby. Bob went to high school, then college
He played a bit of football before settling down with his…
No, no, no, no, no, no, that's some of that shit we made up to make ourselves feel more comfortable
Those events are actually taking place
Bob is going to school, but that doesn't mean shit, okay?
What really means something is we're flying through the fucking universe
Flying through the fucking universe
We're in space. We are in a ship, it's an organic ship
We're not on the ground. We're not on the ground, we're flying
“I'm afraid to be in space in a spaceship”
You're on a spaceship right now
It's just fucking huge
It’s a 24,000 mile across spaceship
Okay, it's a spaceship, that's what it is. Okay, it's a spaceship
We're not grounded. It's not like the universe is a solid mass and we're sitting on it
We're flying, we are right now hurling and we're spinning 1,000 miles an hour around massive nuclear explosions

Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Monkeys in space
Monkeys in space
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Psychedelic experiences every day, every day, every day
Monkeys in space
Monkeys in space
