



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



You wonder
What to make of it
I've thought about this for years and years and years and
I don't know why there should be an invisible syntactical intelligence
Giving language lessons in hyperspace
That certainly, consistently seems to be what is happening
I've thought a lot about language
As a result of that
First of all, it is the most remarkable thing we do
Chomsky shows
The deep structure of language is under genetic control
But that's like the assembly language level
Local expressions of language are epigenetic

It seems to me that language
Is some kind of enterprise of human beings
That is not
It seems to me that language
Is some kind of enterprise of human beings
That is not
I encounter self-transforming elf machines
Which are creatures
Entities, perhaps
Although they're not made out of matter
They're made out of syntax driving life
It's one of the most challenging parts of the whole psychedelic landscape
Most people can accept the idea of
Disordered sensory input
Recovery of traumatic memory material

But what are we to do with an elf?
What are we to do with an elf?
What-What are we to do with an elf?
So, then we came with a yet more elaborate theory
Which I somewhat prefer
The only country that has really taken an interest in these crop circles other than the English themselves
Are the Japanese
This has gotten immense coverage in Japan in the popular press
When you go to these crop circles
The number of Japanese is astonishing
METI, which is the Ministry of Trade and Industry is obviously carrying on
A clandestine project in the study of semiotics
In the study of the Western mind and how it relates to the manipulation of certain symbols
Because they are in charge of marketing and advertising
And creating a marketing psychology in Japan
So, what I think we're dealing with here is a ultra-clandestine team of ninja stem snappers
Who pose as Japanese tourists, and television crews, and so forth, and then
Crop circles are such fun
It is a wonderful example of my contention that the world is made of language
Because whatever the crop circles are, what they are is
Glyphs of some sort I mean, they are designed to be seen
It would be absurd to maintain that someone was trying not to be seen
So, these crop circles are to be looked at
And then radiating out from the act of looking at them
Reality ripples
Reality ripples
Reality ripples like air above a desert highway
No one seems to think it's weird that all of these birth mysteries people in England
This tremendous mystery just happens to be within a three-hour drive of their front door
I mean, why isn't it happening in the Steppes of central Asia?
Obviously, it seems to me, it is to be seen by the very people who would then offer an explanation of it
Well, now, Jacques Vallée is the person who pioneered in the study of flying sauces
It's very easy to smooth it all out and say, you know
That the Pentagon runs it all and so forth and so on
But once you start digging
I mean, the world is a labyrinth
A sponge of interconnected labyrinthine interstices
The weirdest connections
You know, who knew who, and what they were doing about it
And then, you know, these – these reports that come in, you know
And some are false, and some are true
But the sum total of it all is to paint a picture of excruciating weirdness

Excruciating weirdness
Excruciating weirdness
People are just pushing the right buttons
I guarantee you, you take five dried grams of psilocybin in silent darkness
