



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



When I realized
That losing your temper was a sign of weakness
As soon as I made that connection
I said to myself, "This is weak I'm gonna try not to do it anymore"
And what's weird is when you're a kid
And you'd see someone get angry and it made you afraid
For a while, I saw it as like a power
A way to achieve power
That you can lose your temper and then all of a sudden
You have this extra strength and
But when you're a little kid, if I could get that rage going
And people are scared, like I used to feel, that's a positive thing
And then, as I got older
I realized, hey
This isn't cool
This isn't strength, it's actually weakness
And I didn't realize that overnight, but I started getting the idea
That that was weakness
And now when you see someone that is in control
And even when bad things are happening, standing stoically, said, "Okay"
[Echo] Jocko, I am a chronic excuse maker
How do I stop making excuses and get things done?

Chronic excuse maker?
How do you stop making excuses?
This is actually pretty simple
And I said it the other day, and you have to realize
You have to know, you have to accept that

All your excuses are lies
All your excuses are lies
Just think about the lies you've used to rationalize
Taking the easy road
Taking the easy road and leaving discipline behind
Your excuses are lies

Think about them
You don't have time
That's a lie
You don't have support
That's a lie
The scuba training
They would do very traumatic things to you
Underwater with your scuba gear on
Rip it off, rip your face mask off
Tie your regulator hoses in knots, just create total mayhem
And eventually they'd do things that are so horrible to you
That you had to come to the surface and when you came to the surface
What they told you to do immediately was say the words

I feel fine
I feel fine
I feel fine
I feel fine
There's so much knowledge out there
There's so much information, so many ways to get better
And we make, we make so many mistakes
We're the product of our mistakes
And oftentimes the lesson is sitting there right in front of our face
It's there to be learned, but we miss it or we don't pay attention to it
Or we think we know better, until it punches us in the face
And the most important thing to learn is that we have so much to learn
We all do
And we can learn from school and people and from experience
And we learn from life

You get one shot
One shot at this gig right here
One life, that's all you got
One life
One shot

But you have to process the information and you have to absorb it
[Echo] What do you do on the days when you're just not feeling it?
Those days
Those days
Those days when I'm tired or worn out
Or just basically sick of the grind
What do I do on those days?
I go anyways
I get it done
Even if I'm just going through the motions
I go through the motions
I don't really wanna work out? I work out
I really don't wanna hammer on a project? I hammer on the project
Don't really wanna get up and get out of bed?
Yeah, I get up
