



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



The question, I guess, that keeps coming up to me was
What are we supposed to do?

Well, I keep saying
De-emphasize anxiety
Reassure people
You meet people who say, "You know, I'm really scared"
I'm - I'm scared about my job
I'm scared, scared, scared
Scared, scared, scared
You know

Don’t worry!
You don't know enough to worry
That's God's truth
Don't worry
Who do you think yo
Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel
You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel
But if you just keep moving
(Just keep moving)
(Just keep moving)
(Just keep moving)
You will come to a better place


Just keep moving
(Just keep moving)
(Just keep moving)
(Just keep moving)
You will come to a better place
[Heather] Okay, so, without further ado, we are going to talk about Dr Suess, beginning with a poem that you have written
[Bret] Without further ado
[Heather] I-wait, it appears to be, so I have not heard it yet, I'm looking forward to it
And it appears to be written by one Dr Weinsteinium
[Bret] Yes
[Heather] Which is how I refer to you sometimes, when you call me on the phone, and we yell at each other

My sense is that now they have gone far too far
The offenses they claim have grown just too bizarre
They say Dr Seuss wrote books that did harm
That we shouldn't be fooled by his fanciful charm
But they must assume that we're dumber than dumb
That we'll take their word and go numb and succumb
But I think they've guessed wrong, or at least we can hope
That no one of sound mind could be such dope
I only desire the approval of a relatively small number of people who I respect
If they said to me, “I think you're totally wrong on this, Douglas.”, then I'd listen
But when it's people who don't want me to do well, then of course I don't listen to them
It's one of the tools we all have to hone in our lives, to work out who wants us to do well
Who wishes us well, and to listen to them, even if they're critical of us, and they will be at times
And to separate out those people from the people who just, of course they don't want you to do well
They hate you, they hate everything about you, and whatever
But I don't have much sympathy with public figures who say, I can't say what I think, I can't speak up, and all this sort of thing
If you're not going to now, when are you going to?
If you're not going to in this life, what life are you expecting to come where you'll do it
Continue to act thus, my dear Lucilius
Set yourself free for your own sake
Gather and save your time which till lately has been forced from you
Or filched away, or merely slipped from your hands
Make yourself believe the truth of my words, that certain moments are torn from us
Some are gently removed
And that others glide beyond our reach
And that others glide beyond our reach
The most disgraceful kind of loss is due to carelessness
Furthermore, if you will pay close heed to the problem you will find the largest portion of our life passes while we are doing ill
A goodly share while we are doing nothing

And the whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose
The whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose
The whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose
The whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose
