Most believe that a satisfactory future
Requires a return to an idealized past
A past which never in fact existed
Most believe that a satisfactory future
Requires a return to an idealized past
A past which never in fact existed
Only fools prefer the past
Only fools prefer the past
Memory never recaptures reality
Memory reconstructs
All reconstructions change the original
Becoming external frames of reference
That inevitably fall short
How soothing it is to forget
And how dangerous
How tempting it is to raise high walls
Most believe that a satisfactory future
Requires a return to an idealized past
A past which never in fact existed
Most believe that a satisfactory future
Requires a return to an idealized past
A past which never in fact existed
Only fools prefer the past
Only fools prefer the past
Memory never recaptures reality
Memory reconstructs
All reconstructions change the original
Becoming external frames of reference
That inevitably fall short
How soothing it is to forget
And how dangerous
How tempting it is to raise high walls